San Diego Customs

2010 Valentines Day rules .

1.) Stay away from any chicks named Amber, Kristin, Stacey or Victoria, these girls are spawned from an evil seed .

2.) Be careful is two words.

3.) If, at any point in your life, an 8 year old asks you to smell his finger for the love of god don't do it.

4.) Don't move to Colorado unless its for snowboarding, they dont like pitbulls there.

5.) Call your mother more often, you will wish you did later in life .

6.) Be nice. It's easier to blow people off because they are lame /stupid /vampires /christians /models /cat people or fuckfaces but they can all add to your experience of life, even if it's so you know what not to become.

7.) Try setting set your alarm for any other time than one that ends in a 7 and see how shitty your day is.

8.) Go to college, drink a lot of beer, screw a lot of people and get that worthless piece of paper that will make you seem like you are more qualified for a job than future you. You are'nt.

9.) Don't spend so much time on social media. Your a nerd.

10.) Prepare for the Zombie invasion AND your own retirement. That way you are ready for whatever happens.

11.) Don't tell people you think anything about their lives, it will cause dismay in the matrix.

12.) Learn to keep your to do lists short. You will get more done .

13.) Make love not war. Well, war when you have to because some people deserve to get destroyed but then make love to their moms when you are done, take pictures.

14.) F T W

Valentines Day card provided by