San Diego Customs

The Rumble in Ramona 2009

From a small junkyard in the middle of nowheresville California or more commonly known as Ramona, amongst old school hot rods, rat rods and some clunkers, stand a huge vert ramp provided by Creature skateboards. Once a year pro skateboarders from days past and days to come gather here and for 1 whole day, tear the ramp to shreds, party, interact with no ESPN cameras and have a fucking insane time doing it . Many bands show up, bikes , hot rods and other trinkets and providing the skateboarding are such pros as: mark "red" scott, christian hosoi, lincoln ueda, pedros barros, mike crum, trevor ward, max dufour, max schaff, mike frazier, darren navarrette, lance mountain, rune glifberg, matt moffett, leonard trubia, div adams, ray fennessey & ben raybourn - all skating the ramona ramp @ once . . . return to the rumble in ramona 2009... all time session!! footage shot chronologically from afternoon into the night. FTW

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