San Diego Customs

A practical guide to the next genreation of cool

A few days ago I got a box from Marlin @ Nash Motorcycles. He hooked up my new pudgy midget gimp handlebars which are solid as solid can be. They make my bike feel like it can curb jump and do power slide doughnuts again! Inside the box was the 2nd edition of the Limpnickie builders manual . What is that you ask ... It is a small, 100 page lil book that is stuffed with all kinds of information and goodies that Harley people cant seem to understand due to the fact that most of the parts arent chrome or dumbĀ  and most of all the stuff in the book from a majority of mfg's , is full functional and has a place on every bike that gets ridden. Get yourself this little ditty asap, it will make your bike builds cooler than then next guy and some of the tech tips are educational ... I have posted a basic wiring diagram for people who cant seem to figure it out or are just having issues, just one of the many things in this little book of surprises . FTW .

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