San Diego Customs

Something to think about .

“Let me tell you about MY vision. I see myself building the nastiest, lightest, hardest, fastest, most performance minded, most capable, most terrifyingly awesome rigid framed slice of death that I can possibly achieve within my means and my mental powers. I see myself flying everywhere jumping intersections, drifting corners, do wheelies past cops and sport bikes, taunting cars, taunting other riders, lane splitting, doing burnouts, going 100 plus mph blasting down gravel roads, mud roads, across sand, and even snow.
But above all... I see myself blowing you off the road.”

So, get out there and make it count people.
Life is too short to ride lame bikes.
Get out there and don’t settle for lame trashed springers, heavy parts, long front ends , 21” front wheels that have no solid performance backing up their existence.
Don’t tolerate bad brakes, or no brakes, poorly tuned motors, pipes that are merely made to look cool, bad riding positions, high centers of gravity, antiquated tire designs, no ground clearance, heavy batteries and starters, and things tacked on merely for “good looks”.
Never stop until your vision is achieved. Never compromise. Never let anyone tell you what your bike should be like or look like. Never let them tell you that a chopper can’t work, that it is all about looks, or that your chopper can’t handle, stop or go fast.
We are not the mediocre. The lame. The unthinking. The trend followers. The fashion conscious. The stupid. The second raters.
We are the elite.
We are the attack chopper shock troops.
Now get out there and start chopping.

Follow these rules when designing your death machine :

I do not accept the assumption that a rigid framed motorcycle cannot go fast, stop quickly, or handle well. I want my choppers to perform above the social accepted performance standard for rigid framed motorcycles; (that is to say: BAD)
These are the standards I have set before myself to achieve with said choppers:
My choppers must be able to Evade, Pursue, and allow me to survive.
My choppers must be light.
My choppers must be skinny and be able to navigate tight traffic with ease.
My choppers must go fast, accelerate hard, stop well, handle good, and do so without fusing my vertabrae.
My choppers must not scrape hard parts when leaning.
My choppers are not bar hoppers.
My choppers are not non-functioning scuplture.
My choppers must function like a real, useable vehicle.
My choppers must be a valid mode of transportation.
My choppers must not be built for other peoples enjoyment or entertainment.
My choppers must be built for me and my preferences and standards alone.
My choppers must not be fragile.
My choppers must be able to hop curbs, hit potholes, skid, wheelie, do burn outs and crash without breaking.
My choppers must be able to be ridden on all sufaces (Pavement, dirt, gravel, snow, sand, mud)

F T W .

BBIRD484@GMAIL.COM - Attack Choppers .

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