Fresh batch of Death . . .
Fresh off the presses, check out the new DEATH SQUAD T- shirt - "The Frisco" available now @ . Be on the look out for some other surprises in the near future from the D/S crew .
We want your soul.
Ever have those days where your head feels like its gonna pop off your shoulders and roll away like a ball ? I have .
Adam made this tune a few years ago, it's timeless.

the open road
this is where you go to clear your head of all the bullshit life can hand you ..
Giving back is good .
Nice story. Video speaks for itself. Worth 15 minutes of your life.
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Free birds forever .
One night, a few years ago in Los Angeles, after a long night of being a pretend rock star and getting kick out of the Standard hotel, I managed to make it to Mel's Diner. There I met Johnny Van Zant. the brother of the founder of Lynyrd Skynyrd . He told me I was "a right on man", which i assume is a good thing and then showed me a picture of himself on stage. It was awesome to have a milk shake with a legend. I'm glad to know I'm "a right on man"