San Diego Customs

Only in California .

Only in California will a police officer come to your house and bring his own herb, pipe and lighter. Amazing . Im willing to bet this doucher is still a prick . . .


I never forget …

Never forget where you come from and always know where you are going. I miss the days of instigating east coast skinhead riots and then just simply going home instead of jail. Times have changed, get up to date or you'll get old and die wondering why .


Give me fire .

old bikes can char broil a steak !



Who needs a costume . . . .

Guess what she is going as for Halloween ?


610 por vida

I was reading the Thrasher epic skate spots book at the D/S HQ today and happen to stumble up on a picture of good ol hometown PA local 5Boro goofball and my homie, Dan Pensyl in Costa Rica doing what he does . . .


locals only fuckface

I found this gem on the web and just had to re post it. I am glad I have seen, and been part of skateboarding and the evolution into what it has become today.


Blue Moon Kustoms

Another fine example of some super rad hippy trippy paint by good ol Jayme @ Blue Moon Kustoms. Check his work out asap.


Motor theory .

Here is an example of and Evo style motor and how it functions internally. Study it . Know it . Twin Cams have a few different parts but the theory is the same . Suck Squeeze Bang Blow . The strippers motto .


Rigid bush.

What the hell could have been goin on here? Where the fuck did this guys pants go?