San Diego Customs

Lets dance .

Crazy old entry ticket !


busy busy busy

I am concocting some surprises as you read this. If you have a Dyna, you may want to check back soon and get the update .Until then, get out your 3D glasses and enjoy some boobies !


death comes rippin’


We are not alone .

Humans are nothing more than a spec in the abyss of the unknown .


360 ‘s

This is not and easy trick to do .


Death Squad T bar install

Mike Ironfist's 99 fxdx w Death Squad 12" Tbar .

These bars seem to be flying off the shelf so check out and get yours today .


Breakin up is hard to do ..

Perhaps the best attempt I have seen to win an ex's affection back ! Good job Dan !


Bottled Violence

Great piece done by Adam Hathorn aka HonkeyKong Guru Tattoo Sd .



Everytime I see this place, it brings back the memories of how much fucked up shit we had to do to make this park become a reality.  After thousands of miles travelled, moving to SD, jail, bail, tons of insanity and alot of luck ... FDR stands strong and grows like the blob. They said it couldnt be done and yet 15 years later, the kids of Philly have a spot to slay.  610 por vida. FTW.


Marching band .

Found this old pic of a death band marching. If you see them coming, they are playing your song. You can be sure you are fucked and gonna die.