oil black’n shit .
oil black is an old technique used w/ MAPP gas to heat treat metals and change the outer appearance to be a black , grey or blue color. This is not an easy or fun thing to do but once you've got it down, you can make some super strong, cool lookin' parts that a good file will have a tough time biting into .
MAPP gas heating of small parts
MAPP / oil dip cup
After dip and cooling
reservoir dog
I dig simple things. This rear master cylinder reservoir does the job w/ no frills.
Up next, OHLINS - nearing the top of piggyback performance food chain. Someone I know is gonna have some super rear shocks on a very fast bike. Installed pics coming up soon .
Works .
Simply awesome . A big thanks to Jamie Repop, Russell From Fullerton HD and the guys @ Works Performance. You all rule.
6.21.11 is national Go Skate Day . Please support skateboarders of all ages worldwide .